APDA The Asian Population and Development AssociationAPDA The Asian Population and Development Association

APDA African Parliamentarians’ Study Visit on Population and Development: Ghana

14-15 November 2024, Accra, Ghana

The Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) conducted a study visit to Ghana for Executive Members of the African Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development (FPA) on 14-15 November. Ghana was chosen as the site for the visit because Ghana ranks 8th out of 49 Sub-Saharan countries in terms of progress toward achieving all 17 SDGs1 , and is also actively working to implement the ICPD Programme of Action. The delegates visited the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), National Population Council, National Planning and Development Commission, International Institute for Population Studies, Ghana Family Planning Association (PPAG), and WILDAF (Women in Law and Development in Africa) to engage in information exchange and interactive discussions. Recognizing that Africa’s common development challenges, such as poverty and limited access to quality education and healthcare, are deeply interconnected, they explored strategies to strengthen the empowerment of women and youth, create employment opportunities, and promote agricultural mechanization for food security.

This programme was supported by UNFPA and Japan Trust Fund (JTF), in cooperation with International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF).

1 Sustainable Development Report 2024

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