APDA The Asian Population and Development AssociationAPDA The Asian Population and Development Association

APDA Activities for Strengthening National Committees on Population and Development: South Sudan

29-30 January 2024, Juba, South Sudan

The Asian Population and Development Association (APDA), with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Japan Trust Fund (JTF), and in cooperation with the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), implements programmes in various countries to promote parliamentary activities in the field of population and development. In response to a request from the South Sudan Parliamentary Network for Population and Development (SSPNPD) to widely disseminate and advocate for the agenda of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and its importance, such a programme was conducted in Juba, South Sudan, on 29-30 January.

Presided over by Rt. Hon. Parmena Awerial Aluong, Deputy Speaker of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly, the President (Ghana) and Vice President (Kenya) of the African Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development (FPA), as well as UNFPA South Sudan Office representative, shared country experiences and best practices to promote the ICPD Programme of Action. More than 50 members of the Legislative Assembly were in attendance, and with a very positive feedback, the SSPNPD reaffirmed that, together with APDA and FPA, they would tackle head-on these issues that have a great impact on people’s lives.

■A short video clip
Activities for Strengthening National Committees on Population and Development: South Sudan

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